Sunday 30 June 2013

My feelings about things

 I have lots of different feelings about things, but first I'd like to tell you that from now on we're going weekly.

So if you look at this photo it shows you happy & sad. ( I drew this picture.)

 So here's how I feel about wildlife. I feel sorry for animals that some are almost extinct and are just being used for clothing and medicine. I wish animals homes weren't being destroyed.

There used to be a dog on my street that scared me. He was called Charlie. But now I figured out why he barked. Because I ran! Charlie was just playing. So I started to walk and he got scared and ran away!

Now here's a video that shows feelings - anger!

So that's all for today see you soon GOODBYE!!!                                                                                                    

Friday 28 June 2013

Things I like

There are lots of things I like, but first I'd like to tell you that I just finished school today. It didn't start off too well though. The back gate was locked. I just caught my parents before they left. Anyway, the  photo down here represents the first thing I like- Pokémon! And Pokémon is short for pocket monsters. 

Another thing I like is animation. I really like how it's so creative and also fun! You can do anything with animation. Animation is where the Simpsons and the Justice League cartoon came from.

Fantasy is another thing I like - the mix of monsters and magic is unreal! My two favourite fantasy books are the Hobbit & Lord of the Rings. I've wanted to do a fantasy story for years, and I have done a couple but they were ninja magic. You may have seen my first one a couple years back. It was called Ninja X. But I really want to do a story like Lord of the Rings, you know what I mean.

So that's all for today hope you read the next post!                                                                         

Thursday 27 June 2013


Hello, this is my very first post so if you're reading this you might be the first to read it. Later in this post you'll see a clip and if you want to see that now just skip some of this post and I'll see you later, but if you are sticking around listen.

I've just started to read Harry Potter. I just finished the first book (Harry Potter & the Philosopher Stone.) Best book ever!!! I love the name muggle so much and to me it sounds perfect. I'm now on book 2. Quite good.

Wow! I just used brackets for the first time on the computer! Oh! and here's the clip I mentioned earlier. Hope you enjoy.

I'm working on a super hero called Stink Bug and his sidekick Possum. I might make a comic book out of it - who knows maybe I might even make a film out of them.

Me and my Dad have started doing a computer program called Scratch. It does all sorts of animation and teaches computer programming for kids . If you're interested go to and download scratch.

So thanks for reading and goodbye!